Question : Can't install Virtual Machine Manager Server (WinRm)
I have been bashing my head for about 4 hours about this product and frankly am ready to give up!
I am trying to install Virtual Machine Manager on a Server 2008 x64 R2 server.
The installation goes well until it actually tries to install the Virtual Machine Manager Server Components.
The error is:
A Hardware Management error has occurred trying to contact server myserver.mydomain.local. Check that WinRM is installed and running on server myserver.mydomain.local. For more information use the command "winrm helpmsg hresult".
ID: 2927. Details: Unknown error (0x80338171)
The server has been patched to the last R2 patches that I know of.
When I run the command winrm quickconfig I get a status Already is setup to recevie requests on this machine.
I am just new with windows HyperVisor and frankly I am about to drop it!
Any ideas on how to get this installed?
Answer : Can't install Virtual Machine Manager Server (WinRm)
Managed to install it on another server.
Question to be closed
Seems to be a conflict with Virtual Centre running on same server
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