Question : TSQL last 30 dates in Ascending order?

How do I get, witihin TSQL & in a single TSQL statement, the  last 30 dates in ascending order?
I am able to get the last 30 dates as follows but they are in Descending order.
SELECT distinct TOP (30) createdate FROM History ORDER BY createdate desc

Example: using the4 code above  30 dates: comes up as
06/30, 06/29, 06/28....... 06/02, 06/01
I need them to apear as
06/10, 06/02.... 06/29, 06/30

Background,  I am using therse dates within Google charts,  which has a ~2000 URL limit,  so I use a subset of the dates, and I want a recent subset of the data, so I use the last 30 dayes collected.
The dates on the chart should appear from left to right , in ascending order.

Answer : TSQL last 30 dates in Ascending order?

try the below
SELECT Emp_Name, Hire_Date, datepart([Year],Hire_Date) as YYYY, datepart([Month],Hire_Date) as MM
FROM Table1
where Hire_Date >= dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, getdate())-13, 0)
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