Question : SQL*Loader-128 Unable to begin session; ORA-01017: invalid username/password
Hello Guys,
I am able to connect to the local environment(ORCL) which I set it up myself, which is:
username : ****
password : ****
I am also able to load the tables using SQL*Loader scripts.
Reently I have asked for access to another environment (H830SPA):
I am able to login using
username : ****
password : *****
But I am not able to load anything into these tables using SQL*Loader
It gives me the below mentioned errors.
SQL*Loader-128 Unable to begin session; ORA-01017: invalid username/password
Any kind of advice is greatly appreciated.
(843 KB)
(File Type Details)
sql*loader error
Answer : SQL*Loader-128 Unable to begin session; ORA-01017: invalid username/password
You need to make sure teh same username/password combinations exist on each computer for network access without giving "Everyone" access.
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