Question : What software to apply sysprep'd Win 7 OEM images?
I buy Dell Vostro OEM machines, format and rebuild to my spec. XP easy, Win 7 question:
With XP, built reference PC, run sysprep, rebooted, and "captured" the image using a very old dos based Ghost (2003) works perfectly.
Win7: Spent hours setting up WDS, only to find that it it won't allow the OEM serial on the box to be used. (Vostro 430's) Tried using Dell boot.wim, still didn't accept OEM serial.
Bought ghost 14, wast of money for this, as it can't capture the image.
I'm not that comfortable with imagex, is there software that will give me a bootable disk, that I don't need to add software to my "clean build Win 7" out there that I can use to capture the syspreped Win7 disk, and save to a USB drive/Network share? I don't mind paying once, but not per use. Times are hard enough, and additional cost will be felt at my end. not the end user.
Answer : What software to apply sysprep'd Win 7 OEM images?
Actually the site offers you many options. Choose the best for you.
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