Question : Access Report
I have an Access db with a sample file containing invoices paid.
I need to write a report that groups payment of equal amounts (Use GrossAmt) for each vendor together.
Ignore the sign (positive or negative) of the amount. Ignore groups with only one record.
For each vendor show a group header containing the vendor number and name.
For example if the GrossAmt is $100 in one record and the GrossAmt is $-100 in another record treat that as a match.
The sample pdf file is just to show what a duplicate payment report should look like. The data and field names are different.
I have the db and the sample report(,pdf) attached
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Sample Report
Answer : Access Report
Change the account the SQL Service uses to a domain user account, and also check the ownership (dbowner) of the SQL database VMM is using. Change this to the "sa" user or any other user with appropriate permissions.
Restart service to take effect.
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