Question : What Are Some Options to Search for Statistical Information Not Typically in Google-Type Searches?
Greetings experts,
I'm trying to obtain some information that seems immune to the typical kinds of Google searches I've been doing. Therefore, I'm wondering if anyone has dealt with this type of thing and can suggest how I may retrieve an answer.
Any or all of the following information would be immensely helpful to me:
1. The average number of significant/major events that the average American (or other regions of the world) attends in their lifetime (for example, anniversary parties, weddings, graduations, reunions, New Year's Eve party, etc.
2. The average number of photographs (or a range from low to high) that people take when attending such events
3. A representative number of digital photographs that somebody may take in their lifetime. This includes any files that may have been taken and then deleted. The main condition is that they took the picture.
Thank you very much for your help.
Answer : What Are Some Options to Search for Statistical Information Not Typically in Google-Type Searches?
Thanks ReliableDBA issue is solved . its not issue of Path or oracle home . I solved it by reinstalling ODAC with diff home name and drive letter. after that repairing .net framework. thats it.
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