Question : SQL Server error in query
I get an error below for the querry here, any idea for this error here
Select null, enc_nbr, billable_timestamp, guar_id, guar_type, row_timestamp,
(SELECT 'Y' FROM accounts a, accounts_budget ab WHERE pe.guar_id = a.guar_id and
a.acct_id = ab.acct_id and ab.active_ind = 'Y' and ab.budget_type = 'P')
as perpet_budget_ind, enc_status, enc_id, billable_timestamp, location_id, location_id, enc_nbr,
(SELECT DISTINCT 'Y' FROM accounts a, accounts_budget ab, budget_members bm
WHERE pe.guar_id = a.guar_id and a.acct_id = ab.acct_id and ab.active_ind = 'Y'
and ab.budget_type = 'N' and ab.budget_id = bm.budget_id and bm.source_id = pe.enc_id)
as nonperpet_budget_ind from patient_encounter pe where practice_id = '0002' AND
person_id = '39FC54A5-DAC1-45C9-2DAE64
B04528' AND billable_ind = 'Y' order by 2 DESC, 3 DESC,
create_timestamp DESC
the error i get is :-
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Answer : SQL Server error in query
If you're installing from a disc, try copying the contents onto hard drive and run from there, as disc or drive maybe failing or bad.
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