Question : Help with Grouping and Filtering?
Can you help me with grouping and filtering?
Here is my table:
orderNo, Department,status,substatu
Department has D1,D2,D3,S1,S2,S3
Status has pending, accept,decline
substatus has cancel,return
I was able to group by Depart then Status to print them like this:
Department D1
Pending items
list pending itemno here
Accept items
list accepted itemno here
Decline Items
list decline itemno here
Now I want to break down the accepted items deeper using condition.
Pending items
list pending itemno here
Accept items with substatus cancel
list accepted itemno here
Accept items with substatus cancel
list accepted itemno here
Accept items with approved checked
list accepted itemno here
Decline Items
list decline itemno here
I am using the grouping in SSRS report.
I can't think of a way to add another group.
Can you advise?
Hopefully I was able to present my questions clearly :)
Answer : Help with Grouping and Filtering?
something like this
=1,"True group",
iif(Fields!LightsID.Value = 3,"False group",
"other group"))
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