Question : SQL 2005 script to backup database

I am having issues scheduling a task in the GUI  to make a backup of a SQL 2005 database , I want to do this with a script I see how in the GUI I can set up what I want by right clicking on the DB and Backup and then Script action to clipboard

And the script looks like this
BACKUP DATABASE [vum1-db] TO  DISK = N'F:\DB_BACKUP\VUM1_database_backup' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT,  NAME = N'vum1-db-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10

But how do I run it ? do I save it with a SQL extension

Answer : SQL 2005 script to backup database

No problem:

1.  In Object Explorer in SSMS, navigate to SQL Agent
2.  Right click the agent and create a new job
3.  From there you can create steps (where you put your backup code) and schedules.  For the schedules, decide when you want the script to run.
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