Question : MySQL Query Help
Hi there,
I need some assistance for a SQL query to show the results I would like to achieve but I am not sure how to get there.
I am using MySQL 5 with PHP, here is the data table structure.
id quantity color size
I've got several colors, sizes and quantities associated with each row and I'd like to pull a count of all the Large Black Shirts for example.
Example data could be as follows.
quantity color size
1 Red XL
2 Red S
1 Black XL
1 Blue XXXL
4 Green M
1 Red XL
For the example data, I would like the query to return
2 Red XL
2 Red S
1 Black XL
1 Blue XXXL
4 Green M
Thanks for the help!
Answer : MySQL Query Help
SELECT color, sizes, count(*) AS quantities
FROM <tablename>
GROUP BY color, sizes
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