Question : If folder does not exist, then create one
I use the line of code below in a sub routine that opens Excel from Access and saves it to the file path that I have specified below. On my form Me.txtSubFolder reflects the sub folder that the file is to be saved under.
xlBook.SaveAs FileName:= “C:\MainFolder\” & Me.txtSubFolder & "\FileName.xlsx"
In the event that the folder name, which is stored as a value in Me.txtSubFolder, does not exist; then I need some code that will create the sub folder and name it after the value specified in Me.txtSubFolder.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Answer : If folder does not exist, then create one
place this in a REGULAR module
Option Explicit
Public Declare Function MakeSureDirectoryPathExist
s Lib "imagehlp.dll" (ByVal lpPath As String) As Long
to use
Call MakeSureDirectoryPathExist
Folder\" & Me.txtSubFolder & "\")
this will automatically create the folders if they don't exists.
using this
Call MakeSureDirectoryPathExist
it will create all the folders specified in the line.
NOTE* the last character of the line must be a backslash \
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