Question : Master/Detail Page - Using FormView and ListView together.
Hi all,
I have an "Edit" page that uses a FormView bound to an EntityDataSource. The page is called with the ID field of the record to edit in the query string: "EditEmployee.aspx?ID=10".
The EDS the FormView is bound to is using: AutoGenerateWhereClause=tr
ue and a QueryStringParameter.
Below the FormView I have a ListView that contains some child records of the FormView. The ListView is bound to a seperate EDS and also uses the (same) QueryStringParameter.
The problem I am having is when this ListView attempts to Insert or Edt a row, I receive an error because I don't have the ID field (EmployeeID) of the parent bound anywhere in the ListView (and obviously, it is setup as a ForeignKey so it fails, like it should).
Any advice on the best way to get this ID (EmployeeID) column bound in the ListView? There are many things I can do in code behind, but I would like to solve this in the markup if possible. I can move the ListView so that it is inside of the FormView if necessary.
Thanks for any advice!
Answer : Master/Detail Page - Using FormView and ListView together.
I figured it out!
I just added the same "QueryStringParameter" as an "InsertParameter" and "UpdateParameter" on the EDS the ListView is bound to.
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