One more thing that you can actuall do in this senario is suspend the SCR using the following command:
Suspend-StorageGroupCopy -identity "name of the SG" -standbymachine "Name of the target machine"
the run the command get-StorageGroupCopy -identity "name of the SG" -standbymachine "Name of the target machine" and verfiy that the SCR has been suspended.
then clear out the log files on the active node. then reseed the database in the target node using the
Update-StorageGroupCopy -identity "name of the SG" -standbymachine "Name of the target machine" -deleteexsistingfiles
Note: The Update-StorageGroupCopy has to be executed fron the target machine. And the "-deleteexsistingfiles" will delete the old database files and log files from the target machine and replace them with the new log files and database.