Question : Export Project Tasks assigned to a single individual

I want to export the tasks assigned to a single individual to a separate Excel file.  Out of my very large project, I want to filter on the tasks assigned to an individual and then Export ONLY those tasks shown by the filter to an Excel file.

I already have my export map saved, but none of the filters in the Save map allow me to filter by tasks assigned to a single resource name.

How do I do this?  (preferably how do I do it in code...but I can record a macro if shown how to do it in the GUI)

Answer : Export Project Tasks assigned to a single individual

You either need a Handles BTNCheckPrevious.Command at the end of the sub, or an OnCommand="BTNCheckPrevious_Command" in the HTML.  Since this is not a top-level command, I would go with the OnCommand in the HTML.
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