Question : Dynamically adding javascript with createElement('script')

I have this code below where I'm dynamically adding rows to a table...

I have 9 cells from 0 - 8.

This code works up to a point with no errors:

This is where it somewhat fails:  //Set the javascript for the Combo Box :: See Below.      

After the dynamic creation of the combo box I need to have the following script added to CELL 5 in the table, row after new row.

      var z=dhtmlXComboFromSelect("cmStds");

That's it.

        //Standard Select Box
        var cellStandard = row.insertCell(5);
        var celS = document.createElement('select'); = 'standard' + iteration; = 'standard' + iteration;
        celS.size = 1; = '10px';
        var option = document.createElement('option');
        option.value = '0';
        option.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Select One"));
        <% while (!cmStd.EOF) { %>
        var option = document.createElement('option');
        option.value = '<%=(cmStd.Fields.Item("cm_std_id").Value)%>';
        <% cmStd.MoveNext(); } if (cmStd.CursorType > 0) { if (!cmStd.BOF) projs.MoveFirst(); } else { cmStd.Requery(); } %>

        //Set the javascript for the Combo Box      - THIS IS WHAT'S NOT WORKING!
             var ss = document.createElement('script');
            ss.type = 'text/javascript';
            ss.language = 'javascript';
            ss.text = "var z = dhtmlXComboFromSelect('cmStds" + iteration + "');";
            ss.defer = true;
            var tt = document.createTextNode(ss);

Instead of the script being written I get this:

[object HTMLScriptElement]

I just need to dynamically write this:

      var z=dhtmlXComboFromSelect("cmStds");

Every time I add a new row.  that's pretty much it.


Answer : Dynamically adding javascript with createElement('script')

... and you removed the createTextNode("your code here")
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