Question : Windows Batch - Find Day of Week


I have the below batch script to create the 'DOW' variable.  However when I run it, it's choking on the 4th lineon the 'Command' part.  Not sure what is wrong.  Any help?  Prefer to keep this Windows Batch.  Running on Win Server 2003 R2.

REM Set the Day of Week (DOW) Variable
:: setDOW.bat
@echo off
Echo.|Command /C Date>DOW
set /p today=<DOW
set DOW=%today:~16,3%
echo DOW=%DOW%

Answer : Windows Batch - Find Day of Week

In a BAT file, this is all you should need:

@echo off
for /F "tokens=1" %%A in ("%DATE%") do set DOW=%%A

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