Question : c# how do I find all folders that contain a file called request.xml under a sub directory

I want to pass in a path to a function and get all folders below that path that contain a file called request.xml.

rootfolder->subdir2->no request file

I want to get the path for subdir1, and 2

(I am not hell bent on using linq, and don't know the best option, but though I should post there anyway)

Answer : c# how do I find all folders that contain a file called request.xml under a sub directory

I followed your link, but right now it does not appear as if you will successfully recover this install.

I would fix the fan first. Heat will burn your/her legs, ruin the finish on your table or desk, and cause all sorts of other problems with the motherboard and other hardware. It could easily cause your hard drive to fail prematurely. I hope that has not already started and is the cause for your current situation. Fix the fan first.

Then, install 7.


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