Question : FreeNAS on VMware

Hi experts,

I'm trying to install FreeNAS as a virtual machine on VMware Workstation 7. When I launch the VM, it boots correctly from the ISO CD (FreeNAS-i386-LiveCD-, I select the option to boot in verbose mode and it remains stuck at one point, displaying many lines like these:
t_delta 16.0108d032cb334b60 too long
t_delta 15.f58306afb53419a0 too short
t_delta 16.010a762538a38680 too long

It's been running now for more than 1 hour and it still adds one of these lines every 10 seconds or so.

Any ideas?


Answer : FreeNAS on VMware


few reasons that might cause this.....

while creating a new VM you have not chosen freebsd as the OS which might have added unsupported devices.

Create a new VM and before you start the install remove all other devices like USB,floppy & sound card

then perform the install.

One more thing is to try with the stable install as 5266 is a experimental release.

post me i speak i am trying out the stable install on vmwks 7 and will post back.

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