It's like this:
You can run a batch file that is located ANYWHERE on your system by:
(1) specifying it's full path along with the filename
(2) by navigating to the directory where the batch file exists, then just refering to it by name
The difference is, the batch file will only see files currently 'Working Directory': where YOU are - not where the batch file is.
When you do a CD command on it's own, DOS returns the current working directory showing you where you are.
NOTE: Normally, because the default prompt is '$p$g', your current working directory is always shown as part of the DOS prompt. You can change this by entering the following command:
or even:
PROMPT %username% $+$g
In which case, you'll occasionally need to verify where you are by entering just CD on it's own (or even ECHO %cd%).
Whatever CD returns is your current working directory.
No matter where you batch file is located, if it needs to refer to any files, it will ALWAYS ONLY look in the current working directory UNLESS...
Unless you specify the file's full path as part of it's filename (so that the batch file knows where to look for the file).
Therefore, GetSlicer1.bat needs to look like this:
ftp -s:c:\getslicer1.ftp
(if GetSlicer1.ftp is located in the c:\ directory).