Question : help with web server and database please

my client doesn't have sql server, but only web server which only has iis installed.  so i made a web app (using vs2008) that contains sql database in side the app_data folder. the connection string in the web.config file is
            <add name="EnergyConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\EnergyMatter.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

it works fine on my machine when i developing it. but when i copy it over to web server, it keeps saying that it doesn't see the database or couldn't establish sql connection. Then my friend told me that i need to install sqlexpress in web server. Is this true? if so how do i over come this issue without installing sqlexress on the web server? can i use access file? Can access have stored procedure? please help me. thank you very much.

i'm using in vs2008.

Answer : help with web server and database please

There are windows macro recorders that would record you screen steps and you might be able to use this for your program.  Not sure how good they are though

Type windows macro recorder into google

first one out is this one that claims to do what you want
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