Question : How do I dedupe a table and create a new table by combining the dupes into a single record?
Hello Experts, I have a Microsoft Access 2007 database with a table containing duplicate addresses. I need to create a new table that eliminates the duplicate addresses but collects the names from the records that would be deleted and put into a single record. So the resulting table sometimes could have only 1 or 2 Name fields and sometimes may have 4 or 5 or more Name fields. Also when creating the new table I need to concatenate the names. Not really sure how to do this... Any help would be fantastic.
So the original table would have a few records like this: first_name, last_name, address, csz Joe, Smith, 1234 Street, Palm Beach FL 32654 Patty, Jones, 1234 Street, Palm Beach FL 32654 Kevin, Downs, 1234 Street, Palm Beach FL 32654 Bill, Townsend, 4354 Lane, New York NY 12345 Jane, Adams, 4354 Lane, New York NY 12345
The output table should look like this: full_name1, full_name2, full_name3, address, csz Joe Smith, Patty Jones, Kevin Downs, 1234 Street, Palm Beach FL 32654 Bill Townsend, Jane Adams,,4354 Lane, New York NY 12345
Answer : How do I dedupe a table and create a new table by combining the dupes into a single record?
Then just build a temporary table that holds ALL the names in a single field, along with an address:
Currentdb.Execute "Select Address, csz INTO YourTempTable FROM Select Distinct Address, csz FROM YourExistingTable"
Now add a SendTo field:
Currentdb.Execute "ALTER TABLE YourTempTable ADD COLUMN SendTo TEXT(255)"
Now build a recordset where you can loop through all names for a specific Address + csz, and concatenate the names:
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim rstNames as DAO.Recordset Dim sNames as String
set rst = Currentdb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM YourTempTable")
Do Until rst.EOF Set rstNames = Currentdb.Openrecordset("SELECT * FROM YourExistingTable WHERE [Address]='" & rst("Address") & "' AND csz='" & rst("csz") & "')" sNames = "" Do until rstNames.EOF sNames = sNames & vbCrLf & rstNames("First_Name") & " " & rstNames("Last_Name") rstNames.movenext Loop rst.Edit rst("SendTo") = sNames rst.Update Loop