Question : Write previous output to file

Here's my situation:

I have a html form that submits to a php page, that page recreates the same form with all the options filled in with data from the submission and all fields disabled to prevent entry. It is displayed back like that to allow for easy printing for physical records, but I would like for the php script to not only display back the form, but write it to a file for digital records.

The problem I'm having is in creating the file of the html output. I suppose I could go back and enclose all the HTML into a variable, and echo the variable then fwrite the variable.. but that's quite a lot of HTML to go back through and I'm looking for a simpler way if anyone has any ideas.


Answer : Write previous output to file

Perhaps this
For i = (Me.LstRHFGrants.ListCount + 1) To ((Me.LstRHFGrants.ListCount + 1) + 4)
    year = year + 1
    With Me.LstRHFGrants
      .AddItem (grantdesc & ";" & year)
    End With
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