Question : css sprite image maps
I have a page using a css sprite image map with rollovers. I have layers that set on top of the map and have to land the items in the same place everytime. It is working.
After setting it up. I realized the company needed some explanatory text above the css sprite map. I simply added in a div before the div that contains the css sprite map, thinking that the coordinates of the css sprite map were in relation to its div container.
However, when I added the div above it, it pushed my CSS sprite map out of place. Why would it matter? The Css sprite map behaved itself before with a div above it - what's the difference if I add one more above it?
You can see the map at
(I'm using Dreamweaver Cs3?
-Sweet Iowa
Answer : css sprite image maps
Please try the macro in the attached file - it should be a lot faster.
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