Question : Problem with Exchange 2010 " initialization failed"
I have the following error from the console:
{servername.domain] Connecting to remote server failed with the following message :Acess is Denied. .... It was running the command "Discover-ExchangeServer -UseWIA $ treu -SuppressError $true.
Similar error from the shell.
I have a 2003 AD with two Domain controllers and I had a 2003 Exchange server. To move from Exchange 2003 to 2010 We setup a new 2008 server R2 X64 and had a perfect installation.
We them moved the boxes (only 5) from 2003 to 2010 and removed the 2003 Exchange through Uninstall after deleting all mailboxes.
Once we had the 2010 exchange up and running we noticed an issue with one user mailbox who was giving the error "not a mailbox" on access through properties as well as on disable and delete. Through some shell commands and a reboot this mailbox disappeared. However the reboot brought the problem above with the initialization failure. As a last resort we re-run setup which seems to solve it issue and the server started and connected the mailbox database.
So once the mailboxes seem to be in order, we started internal mails, which all failed. We then attempted a reboot . The server after the reboot gave again same access error. The setup did not corrected anything since in the roles selection screen all check boxes are checked and disable.
We try /uninstall but the removal of the mailboxes fails since it requires disconnection and removal.
At this point we Exchange console start and gives this "initialization error"
Answer : Problem with Exchange 2010 " initialization failed"
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