Question : Get data from a table into individual rows. Excel macro, VBA
I got some great help off here before and I’m hoping that somebody can help again.
I have one workbook with two worksheets, a ‘DataSheet’ and a ‘Control Sheet’, I have attached a workbook to demonstrate what I want to get to.
I am wanting a macro which will populate the control sheet with data from the datasheet but I’m not sure how to do it:
The result I want is quite simple, the data is in a table with Product going down the rows and names going across the columns and data in the centre.
I am wanting to list this table as a series of rows so on the example attached,
Product A – Name B – 10
Product A – Name C – 20
On the control sheet is the output I am wanting to get to, however if the row or column have a ’skip’ next to it (row) or above it (column) I do not want to include that data, I have noted this as red text on my example.
There are going to be about 40 columns of data and about 300 rows (static numbers once confirmed) but not sure how to go about it to get the best speed as it will produce around 12,000 rows.
I am restricted to using Excel for this so cannot look at an Access route.
Thanks :-)
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Answer : Get data from a table into individual rows. Excel macro, VBA
At the bottom, replace
unt * cols.Count, 3) = PasteArray
with wherever you want to put the result, e.g.
Sheets("Control Sheet").Range("A1").Resize
t * cols.Count, 3) = PasteArray
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