Here is an example of using the Asynchronous Server Requests business service from oracle document Doc ID 511826.1
var oPsIn = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var oPsOut = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var oService = TheApplication().GetService("Asynchronous Server Requests");
oPsIn.SetProperty("Component", "BusIntMgr");
var iSec = 1;
var dStart = new Date();
var iMilli = dStart.getTime();
iMilli = iMilli + (iSec * 1000);
var iYear = dStart.getFullYear();
var iMonth = dStart.getMonth() + 1;
var iDay = dStart.getDate();
var iHour = dStart.getHours();
var iMin = dStart.getMinutes();
var iSeconds = dStart.getSeconds();
dStart = iMonth + "/" + iDay + "/" + iYear + " " + iHour + ":" + iMin + ":" + iSeconds;
oPsIn.SetProperty("StartDate", dStart);
oService.InvokeMethod("SubmitRequest", oPsIn, oPsOut);
You could also possibly just call a workflow using "Workflow Process Manager (Server Request)"
var svc = TheApplication().GetService("Workflow Process Manager (Server Request)");
var Input = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var Output = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
svc.InvokeMethod("RunProcess", Input, Output);