I think below is will clear your Question.
Import-csv "C:\alias_move.csv" | Foreach-Object { move-mailbox -Identity $_.Alias -BadItemLimit '10' -TargetDatabase 'Srvername\Storagegroup\db' -GlobalCatalog 'xelcplc01.local.com' -DomainController 'xelcplc01.local.com' -Confirm: $false }
Paste the command in a notepad file and change the extension to .ps1 (Say you save this as Movemailbox.ps1 in location f:\exchange 2007\bin\scripts folder)
This .ps1 file can be invoked though a scheduled task by creating a batch file with the below command in it.
PowerShell.exe -PSConsoleFile "F:\spf\exchange2007\Bin\ExShell.Psc1" -Command "f:\exchange 2007\scripts\Movemailbox.ps1"