"The tables and the View live on the same server." I misread this the first time. Yes, they're on the same server (physical box), but not on the same database. That's what's causing your problems in Crystal Reports. When you join objects from disparate datasources (even if it's the same type of database residing on the same physical machine) you have severe limitations and potential performance issues.
In order to resolve these issues, the best option is to consolidate the various datasources into a single place for Crystal Reports to query. Here are a couple of options:
1) Create the view on the same database as the tables, but leave it pointing to the original database. As far as Crystal Reports is concerned, the tables and view will be on the same database, so there's no issue - this would be my first choice, personally. Unless you're not allowed to create views on the UDT4 database, you shouldn't have any problems.
2) Create a SQl Command that reference both the tables and the view. Since the command will be pointed to a single datasource, you'll eliminate performance issues.
On a side note, WOW that's a lot of vehicles to pass. Is that the result of selecting every vehicle in the picklist?