Question : OMA and OWA
Could someone elaborate on what the difference is between OMA and OWA. In Active Directory under Exchange Features you can enable and disable Outlook Mobie Access and do the same for OWA. So i am not sure what each of these features do.
Here's why. We have a blackberry server that we give to users that we want to have access to their mail and calendars on the go. We also use OWA via the web for home users to check there mail. In both of those cases the email is secure on our server and we can wipe blackberry's remotely. It has come to my attention that users who have other mobile devices are now programming the devices themselves to use OWA or OMA to sync their mail. I can't wipe those devices and this is a problem.
So i am trying to figure out what the difference is between OWA and OMA and what the mobile phones are actually using so i can disable these features if possible.
Answer : OMA and OWA
Did a bit more digging, and if you block connections to IIS from "*" it should stop BlackBerrys from synchronising.
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