Question : object required error
I am trying to write a VB script in excel that will query some tables and return the results in a spreadsheet. Before I've used an access query and imported it into excel as a database query. Now, I'm using SQL Enterprise Manager and don't know of a way to import a query from the query analyzer, so I wrote this VB script trying to connect to my tables and import the data that way. I'm getting an error that says object required. Here is my script:
Sub CompareQry()
' Declare the QueryTable object
Dim qt As QueryTable
' Declare database varaiables
Dim SQLDB As String
Dim SQLServer As String
Dim SQLDbase As String
Dim SQLUser As String
Dim SQLPword As String
Open App.Path & "\SQLConnect.txt" For Input As #1
Input #1, SQLServer, SQLDbase, SQLUser, SQLPword
Close #1
' Set up the SQL Statement
sqlstring = "SELECT a.item,a.qty,a.strnum,
em as itemb, b.qty as qtyb,b.strnum " _
& "FROM firsttbl a " _
& "inner join [server1].STORE.dbo.tablen
ame b " _
& "on a.strNum = b.strnum and " _
& "a.Item = b.Item " _
& "and a.qty <> b.qty " _
& "Where a.strNum = '09' order by a.item"
' Set up the connection string
connstring = "Provider=sqloledb;Server=
" & SQLServer & ";User Id=" & SQLUser & ";Pwd=" & SQLPword & ";Database=" & SQLDbase
' Implement the connection, run the query, and add
' the results to the spreadsheet starting at row A1
With ActiveSheet.qt.Add(Connect
tring, Destination:=Range("A1"), Sql:=sqlstring)
End With
End Sub
Thanks for all of your help!
Answer : object required error
Your error is most likely here
Because ActiveSheet does not have something called qt
You may want
Set qt = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Ad
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