Question : Windows Server 2008 R2 iSCSI Initiator and HP D2D CHAP issue
I'm trying to setup CHAP between Server 2008 R2 and an HP Disk-to-Disk (D2D2504i) device. It seems the HP D2D device config is not giving me enough space for the "Initiator CHAP User Name" under the iSCSI Authentication tab. The Server 2008 R2 has a unique Initiator Name (
n name'. So the Initiator Name is pretty long, but the HP D2D device is only giving me 15 characters to enter the Server's "Initiator CHAP User Name". I cannot change the Server's iSCSI Initiator Name and need to leave it at the default (I have reasons). I am missing something on this? Is the iSCSI Initiator Name setup on the Server 2008 R2 system different than what is on the iSCSI -> Configuration tab -> Initiator Name box?
The goal is to have a 2 way CHAP...
Any help is appreciated.
Answer : Windows Server 2008 R2 iSCSI Initiator and HP D2D CHAP issue
Are you using CHAP for authentication? If so I believe its a username and password (secret) you specify. The IQN is like a mac address or wwn. If you setup CHAP, it should be done on the storage side. Hope that helps.
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