Question : How to integrate two programs into one
print "Please select the file: ";
@simplex = ('C:\Program Files\Spirent Communications\SimPLEX\simplex.exe', 'C:\Program Files\Spirent Communications\SimPLEX\Scenarios\SimPLEX_RIM_8SV_Y2015\RIM_8SV_Y2015.sim'); system(@simplex) == 0 or die "system @simplex failed: $?";
#!/usr/bin/perl use Fcntl; #The Module
# Asks the user how many times the test should run! print "How many times would you like to Run this test: "; chomp ($repeat =<>);
# Opens up the EVK specified file and changes the value for the Factory_Low_SNR repeat test and saves up the file. sysopen (EVK, 'C:\Documents and Settings\ochoudhry\Desktop\-New gps\For BlackBerry Testing\Dakota GLL, May-27-2010\EVK, gpsconfig_4751, 26MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_100PPB, 4751_DANUBE_EXT_LNA.txt', O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0755); printf EVK '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <glgps xmlns="http://www.glpals.com/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.glpals.com/ glconfig.xsd" >
<hal acPortName="COM5" lBaudRate="115200" cLogEnabled="true" acLogDirectory="C:\debuglog\Automation\" ltoFileName="lto.dat" />
FrqPlan="FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_100PPB" RfType="GL_RF_4751_DANUBE_EXT_LNA" BrcmRFwildBase="0x1E2D6409" BrcmRFclkDiv="21" BrcmRFclkRefHz="26000000" />
<job id="Periodic"> <task> <req_pos gsv_rate="1"/> </task> </job>
<job id="Cold_Starts"> <task repeat="1000000"> <startup ignore_OSC="true" ignore_rom_alm="true" ignore_ram_alm="true" ignore_pos="true" ignore_nav="true" ignore_time="true" /> <req_pos gsv_rate="1" validfix="1"/> </task> </job>
<job id="Warm_Starts"> <task repeat="1000000"> <startup ignore_nav="true"/> <req_pos gsv_rate="1" validfix="1"/> </task> </job>
<job id="Simulator_Warm_Starts"> <task repeat="1000000"> <startup ignore_rom_alm="true" ignore_nav="true" /> <req_pos gsv_rate="1" validfix="1"/> </task> </job>
<job id="Hot_Starts"> <task repeat="100"> <req_pos gsv_rate="1" validfix="1" duration_sec="20"/> </task> </job>
<job id="CollectEphemeris"> <task> <startup ignore_OSC="true" ignore_rom_alm="true" ignore_ram_alm="true" ignore_pos="true" ignore_nav="true" ignore_time="true" /> <req_pos gsv_rate="1"/> </task> </job>
<job id="Assisted_Cold_Starts"> <task repeat="1000000"> <startup ignore_rom_alm="true" ignore_ram_alm="true" /> <asst> <!--pos Lat="-30.0" Lon="-50.0" Alt="50" /--> <pos Lat="33.7691" Lon="-84.4062" Alt="300" /> <!--pos Lat="37.0" Lon="-122.0" Alt="50" /--> <!--pos Lat="37.26533652" Lon="-121.94128855" Alt="51.4" /--> </asst> <req_pos_single gsv_rate="1" acc="50" timeout="60" /> </task> </job>
<job id="3GPP_Assisted_Cold_Starts"> <task repeat="1000000"> <startup ignore_rom_alm="true" ignore_ram_alm="true" /> <asst> <!--pos Lat="-30.0" Lon="-50.0" Alt="50" /--> <pos Lat="33.7691" Lon="-84.4062" Alt="300" /> <!--pos Lat="37.0" Lon="-122.0" Alt="50" /--> <!--pos Lat="37.26533652" Lon="-121.94128855" Alt="51.4" /--> </asst> <req_pos_single gsv_rate="1" acc="50" timeout="20" /> </task> </job>
<job id="Factory_High_SNR">'; print EVK "\n"; print EVK ' <task id="test"'; print EVK ' repeat="'; print EVK $repeat; print EVK '">'; print EVK "\n"; print EVK ' <startup ignore_OSC="true" ignore_rom_alm="true" ignore_ram_alm="true" ignore_pos="true" ignore_nav="true" ignore_time="true" /> <req_ftest PRN="1" GL_FACT_TEST_MODE="GL_FACT_TEST_CONT" GL_FACT_TEST_ITEMS="GL_FACT_TEST_ACQ" avg_int_sec="5" duration_sec="60" /> </task> </job>
<job id="Factory_Low_SNR">'; #Below is where the change is taking place print EVK "\n"; print EVK ' <task id="test"'; print EVK ' repeat="'; print EVK $repeat; print EVK '">'; print EVK "\n"; print EVK ' <startup ignore_OSC="false" ignore_rom_alm="true" ignore_ram_alm="true" ignore_pos="true" ignore_nav="true" ignore_time="true" /> <req_ftest PRN="1" GL_FACT_TEST_MODE="GL_FACT_TEST_CONT" GL_FACT_TEST_ITEMS="GL_FACT_TEST_ACQ" avg_int_sec="5" duration_sec="60" /> </task> </job>
<!-- Job to perform RF false alarm test --> <job id="false-alarm-test"> <task > <startup ignore_time="true" ignore_osc="true" ignore_pos="true" ignore_nav="true" ignore_ram_alm="true" ignore_rom_alm="true" /> <features enable_false_alarms="true"/> <req_pos /> </task> </job>
</glgps>'; #closes and saves the EVK file, which GLGPS will use to run the program close (EVK);
#opens up the GLGPS and asks the user to enter the file! it would like to run and enter the job ID it would like to RUN! print "Now GLGPS process will go underway!\n"; print "\n"; print "What Configuration file would you like GLGPS to access:"; chomp ($Glfile = <>); print "What is the job ID you would like to use:" ; chomp ($jobid = <>); print "\n"; print "\n"; print "The files have been successfully loaded, The GLGPS.exe will wait for SimPLEX to start up and the process will begin in a short period.\n"; sleep(1); @gps = ('C:\Documents and Settings\ochoudhry\Desktop\-New gps\For BlackBerry Testing\Dakota GLL, May-27-2010\glgps_win_xp.exe', $Glfile,$jobid); system(@gps) == 0 or die "system @args failed: $?";
Answer : How to integrate two programs into one
well the first program runs a gps receiver .. and second program uses the gps signal generated by the first to evaluate the cell phone signal!.