Question : Cisco Unity Express to Trigger MWI on overlay DN
Hi All
I'm trying to setup goup voicemail and i would like the trigger mwi on the second line . Now the second line is shared as an overlay between 6 phones as shown below. Now I created a General Delivery Mailbox(es) which works fine I can access the voicemail and I subscribed some memebers but when I leave a voicemail none of the subscribed get MWI. How can trigger the on the memebers. With other voicemail system you can do it very easy has anybody done this with unity express.
The reason that I created overlay dns is because I have UC520 which does not support Parallel hunt group Cisco TAC has confirmed.
>>> one of the phones all the rest are configured the same.
ephone 11
device-security-mode none
mac-address 0015.6228.9BB6
ephone-template 2
type 7940
button 1:11 2o15,16,17,18
the set up simulates Broadcast hunt group which works great.
ephone-dn 15 dual-line
number 4357
label Main-Number
name Main-Number
call-forward noan 6000 timeout 80
huntstop channel
no huntstop
>>> Unity express dial peer works with no issues
dial-peer voice 6000 voip
destination-pattern 6...
voice-class codec 1
session protocol sipv2
session target ipv4:
Mwi DNS whick works on the line 1 button 1:11
ephone-dn 41
number 1998...
mwi off
ephone-dn 42
number 1999...
mwi on
ephone-dn 16 dual-line
number 4357
preference 1
call-forward noan 6000 timeout 80
huntstop channel
no huntstop
ephone-dn 17 dual-line
number 4357
preference 2
call-forward noan 6000 timeout 80
huntstop channel
no huntstop
ephone-dn 18 dual-line
number 4357
preference 3
call-forward noan 6000 timeout 80
huntstop channel
Answer : Cisco Unity Express to Trigger MWI on overlay DN
Do " debug ccsip messages" while you are leaving the message .
And See what number is dialing from CUE using sip debug for the mwi.
You may get a clue why it is failing.Or post the output of debug
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