Question : How do I remove Office XP and 2003 using Msizap.exe from a command line?
We have a PC running XP SP3 that is getting the
"Another installation is already in progress "
when trying to repair, uninstall or re-install any version of Office. For whatever reason the machine has Office XP, 2003 and 2007 installed. We are trying to just get it to have 2007. I was reading about the
Windows Installer cleanup tool, but the same result happens while trying to use it. I have also read you can use the
command from the command prompt if this happens. I am very unsure of the syntax though, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...
Answer : How do I remove Office XP and 2003 using Msizap.exe from a command line?
Did you check this.
Click on FIXIT for your office version.
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