Question : Ecommerce Solutions with CMS
Hi all,
I am about to start a project that requires some specific requirements.
I was going to use JOOMLA and then Virtuemart but I have lost faith in virtuemart and I don't think it can handle what I need the shop to do.
I really want to house the Content of the site and the shop under one roof so there is only one login for the client to manage the whole site, so that rules JOOMLA out now.
So I need the shop to be able to handle
1) Shop by price, shop by category, shop by style (for example)
2) Force shoppers to buy in denominations of 6 only
3) Have a membership section that you buy through the shop that then allows you to buy products at a discounted rate. This membership also allows members to view private information on the site.
So I need the membership/payment/article
s to all be tied in together
4) I would like to use my own courier to manage the deliveries. So I need to add my own tracking numbers to orders in the shop
5) Wholesalers and Retail section to shop
6) Pay per use sections of site. Ie you have to pay to view parts of the site
I know this is getting kinda detailed, and if someone can suggest a solution that might handle this, I can then ask the developers of the product myself...but I just need suggestions at this stage.
I was thinking Magento might be the best option, but I havn't used it yet, so I don't know if it can handle this.
Also I am nervous about using an open source shop for this because I really feel that the support may exceed open source communities.?
Anyway, I hope to hear some great suggestions.
Answer : Ecommerce Solutions with CMS
others it can bridge is elgg, phpbb, magento, moodle, gallery2 and a few more
I was thinking that you could set the membership parts of the site in joomla and use osc for the ecommerce side of the site?
No JFusion doesnt bridge that
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