Yes, I would definitely keep your array of Cisco APs in place and use your existing wireless infrastructure. As for getting the proxy populated into your public visitor's browsers, that will be a little more complex. Your domain PCs of course can easily get the proxy information either through scripting or Group Policy, but public PCs will need a little more coaxing. We currently use a Cisco Wireless Control System (WCS) that manages our entire wireless infrastructure. The WCS isn't exactly cheap, but with so many wireless devices in your network, it might be cheaper in the long run to purchase a single device to control everything vs. managing each AP manually.
The Cisco WCS will also enforce a proxy for public users so you won't have to worry about any special scripting or additional APs for a separate hotspot. Plus your public users will also get a screen similar to a hotel or airport that they have to acknowledge prior to using your network for Internet access. Your corporate compliance people will love you for this :)