Question : IIS - Host header Value basic question
Hello all,
I should know this but need to refresh my memory. If I have on an internal IIS box a website setup and I have always been giving the users the URL with the IP address in it such as
etc. If I want to give that a name instead such as "MYSITE" and I type that into the host header value, doesn't that need to be in all the users HOST file in order for that to resolve? I am trying to figure out what is involved in order to replace that IP with a name or can I use the server name on the network etc.
Answer : IIS - Host header Value basic question
The users need to resolve the name to an IP address be that via DNS, WINS or host file.
It is better to add this to DNS all external users will need this unless you edit the hosrt file locally for all the machines in the world.
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