Subselect in the SELECT clause must return only one row and only one column. The problem is at the last subselect which does not begin TOP(1). So you should check the following subselect or simply complete it with a TOP(1)
1: 2: 3: 4: 5:
(SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(s1.fname)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(s1.lname)) + ', M.D.' AS Expr1 FROM dbo.Patient_Clin_Tran_Cov AS pctc1 WITH (nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.Staff AS s1 ON pctc1.billing_id = s1.staff_id WHERE (p.patient_id = pctc1.patient_id) AND (p.episode_id = pctc1.episode_id) AND (pctc1.protocol_id = '7934') AND (pctc1.proc_code = 'MDEVLPSYDX') AND (s1.status = 'A') AND (pctc1.payor_payment > 0.00)) AS Consult_Name