Question : Generate wsdl stub - getting error .
I got a webservices from a company generate it using axis wsdl2java the code was generated and I can compile and run it without any problem.
I try to take the same WSDL and create stub generator from WTK 2.52 ( and sprint 3.3.2 ) and I am getting getting generate error.
"Stub generation failed
error: modeler error: duplicate "simpletype" entity products"
I try to download the files and all the xsd but it still getting the same problem .
Is there any tools that I can change java code to j2me code ?
wsdl that can support j2me ? ( change the wsdl to support stub generator )
any other idea ?
If you need to see the files I can send you by email .
Answer : Generate wsdl stub - getting error .
Antony, also see if the below link is helpful..
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