Question : Network connection intermittently blocks a port Error 619
I was recently setup on a network whereby 30 other people are setup and have no problems apparently with connecting to it. I remote in from a home office. To the same network and I have constant intermittent connection problems.
I have a
Cisco WRVS4400Nv2 from a Vista 32 bit Business OS Using Windows VPN connecting to a Win 2008 Server
I do get connected at times. Once connected I seem to stay connected. However once I disconnect to check email on that same machine or something like that it could take several minutes to get reconnected. This is not user and password related.
Here is what I get:
It shows the IP address that I am connecting to. I am absolutely positively sure I am giving the proper user and password.
It shows that "Verifying user name and password" and it never connects. It stays frozen in that state.
I do not have an internet browser open.
I do not have Microsoft Outlook open.
I have tried both with RDP connecting in from another machine to do this
I have tried sitting at the machine and attempted the same process.
I still get intermittent connections either way. RDP does not seem to matter at all.
I do not get a message identifying a specific port.
Does anyone know what I could check to see what could be causing this. I was told I could have no TCP IP protocols running. How could I check for that if something is running in the background?
I have a client that is very frustrated with me because I cannot do the work they need becuase of this problem. They have tested my connection from a remote connection with my user and password that has worked every time. They have tested more than 50 times all connected? Any help would be greatly appreciated....!
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Network Connection error
Answer : Network connection intermittently blocks a port Error 619
Can you give me the firmware version of your Cisco router?
VPN pass through is allowed on the router, correct?
Do you have any "fancy" features running on the router? Any firewall or connection blocking software on your PC?
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