Question : backup VMware server
I am using backup exec 2010 to backup VMware 4 Windows servers. I getthe following error:
V-79-57344-38726 - Backup Exec failed to connect to virtual machine '\ABC\VM\TEST' and was unable to collect the necessary metadata to restore individual application items. You cannot perform GRT-enabled restores of application data from this backup
In the backup exec console I have use backup exec granular recovery technology enabled.
I can only restore the entire server, it does not let me choose folders or file, i can not drill down
how to fix this?
Answer : backup VMware server
I've validated on some of the VMs in an upgraded data center. The VMs that didn't have vmware tools updates and virtual hardware upgardes had the GRT errors. It appears BE needs to use the new vmware tools because it uses vStorage API by default.
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