Question : Display Last Modified Date of aspx 2.0 page via Footer Include
I am including a footer like this:
<!-- #include file="includes/Footer.aspx
" -->
and would like to know if it is possible to put some code into this include so that the last modified date of aspx file is displayed for the viewer [formatted nicely, if possible].
I have looked through these forums as well as others via google searches and it seems there are MANY ways to do it -- and the ones i have tried did not work for me.
Is it possible to put a simple piece of code into an include and have the Last Modified Date displayed? Clearly I am looking for the Last Modified Date of the page which is doing the including.
For example:
Default.aspx would include the Footer.aspx. The Last Modified date would represent the Default.aspx NOT the Footer.aspx.
Thanks for the help.
Answer : Display Last Modified Date of aspx 2.0 page via Footer Include
Try this code to get the actual RGBQUAD data.
1: 2:
RGBQUAD *pPalette = FreeImage.GetPalette(hDIB8bpp); RGBQUAD Palette = *pPalette;
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