Question : cmd FOR /f tokens 2* doesn't work
Morning gents,
Have trouble with a cmd string, which should work....
I need to find all text in file C:\zzsticker.txt after "L3= "
In the attached file there is a line: L3= Zebra ZM400
Below cmd lines would show only Zebra, and not token 3 !
For /F "tokens=2-3" %a in ( 'FIND /i "L3= " C:\zzsticker.txt' ) do set L3=%a
For /F "tokens=2*" %a in ( 'FIND /i "L3= " C:\zzsticker.txt' ) do set L3=%a
For /F "tokens=2,3" %a in ( 'FIND /i "L3= " C:\zzsticker.txt' ) do set L3=%a
For /F "tokens=2,3" %a in ( 'FIND /i "L3= " ^< C:\zzsticker.txt' ) do set L3=%a
Whats wrong ?
(87 bytes)
(File Type Details)
file with the info to look for
Answer : cmd FOR /f tokens 2* doesn't work
Sorry, typo when copying and pasting.
That should have been
For /F "tokens=1*" %a in ( 'FIND /i "L3= " C:\zzsticker.txt' ) do set L3=%b
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