Question : Spring AOP implimentation to access database connection pool

hi guys

One of the interview question asked today was
You have connection pooling. how will you use spring AOP to call the connection objects(from connection pool) from your DAO.

I know the basic feature of AOP, its used to modularize cross-cutting functionality like transactions, connection-pooling, logging, security ect.

So how would we solve the above problem using spring AOP. Any source code would greatly help.


Answer : Spring AOP implimentation to access database connection pool

Are you sure you don't mean IoC?

The question here is ' Is connection pooling a cross-cutting functionality which can be mdularized? '
If yes it can be developed using AOP just like transaction,logging, ect (i may be wrong, just a guess).
There is something called the Spring DBCP connection pooling which spring uses for connection pooling.
I cant seem to find information about implimenting it in AOP.
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