# you should always use strict and warnings to reduce errors in your code
use strict;
use warnings;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
my %data;
# create the parser object
my $parser = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel->new();
# open the xls file
my $xls = $parser->parse('/var/tmp/now.xls') or die $parser->error();
# loop over all worksheets in the file
foreach my $sheet ($xls->worksheets()) {
my ($rmin, $rmax) = $sheet->row_range();
my ($cmin, $cmax) = $sheet->col_range();
my @page;
for my $row ($rmin..$rmax) {
my @line;
for my $col ($cmin..$cmax) {
my $cell = $sheet->get_cell($row, $col);
push @line, $cell->value() if defined($cell);
# @line now contains an array of the current line
push @page, [@line];
# @page now contains an array of arrays of all lines on the current worksheet
# example code of what to do with @page
foreach my $line (@page) { # loop over each line
# $line is now an arrayref
# print each line with spaces between columns
print "@$line\n";
# more generally, this could be (and you could replace space with whatever):
# print join(' ', @$line), "\n";
# end example
$data{$sheet->get_name()} = [@page];
# %data now contains a hash of arrays of arrays of all data in the Excel
# example code (commented out) of how to print out all data for all pages
# foreach my $name (sort keys %data) {
# print "Worksheet $name\n";
# foreach my $line (@{$data{$name}}) {
# print join(' ', @$line), "\n";
# }
# }