Question : SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration not loading
I recently did a site migration from one server to another.
The site was a sub-site on the original server, and a top site in a site collection on the target server.
Apparently I goofed with the way the requester wanted the naming done (rather than
they wanted
). I was in the middle of moving it over, when internet explorer crashed on me.
So now, I can browse to sites where I want. But any time i try to open up Central Administration, it doesn't load. It opens an IE window, and then just sits there loading...and loading...and loading.
The source and target location for the sites do not come up either, so I'm assuming that the original was partially deleted, sufficient enough to where it would not show up anymore...and the target has nothing either.
I tried running -deletesite but it said there was no site by that name, and tried using -deletecontentdb to remove the DB if it still existed, but it did not exist.
I've been running through logs and everything, and cannot find out why Central Admin will not display the page. It just loads FOREVER. At times, if i wait an hour, I can get Site Collection list to show, but that's it.
Any ideas? I'm afraid to reboot the server, in case something horrid happens and *down it goes*. Can't do a backup without getting into CA as well!
Answer : SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration not loading
Nope, you can go ahead and remove that database.
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