Question : Remote Desktop Services Manager snap-in hangs
We have a ESXi WMWare server, running with Windows 2008 R2 and AppSense enviroment manager. We use an Remote Desktop Service Manager as MMC snap-in on one of the servers for managing remote desktop sessions on the 5 other servers. When I change to see the users on another server, ex. T64-G2 it often hangs for 10-30sec before listing all users or prosesses.
When checking the processes, both network and CPU for files like svchost.exe (regsvc and netsvcs) get some high peaks when we select one of the servers.
All Windows 2008 R2 terminal servers has 4x2.2Ghz CPU core processors available, but the server where we run the RDSM snapin only has 1x2.2Ghz available. But I guess you dont need an extremly hardcore server just to run thus snap-in.
Anyone has any idea why this hangs so often? Its very critical for us to have this tool available to help users, but we often must wait almost 2-3mins before the list is displayed.
Thanks for any help!
Answer : Remote Desktop Services Manager snap-in hangs
After fixing some issues with the firewall, everything seems to works fine :)
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