Question : return multiple resultsets with TsqlQuery
in Delphi 2010 Is there a way to return (and parse) multiple resultsets from SQL using TSQLQuery? if not - is there anything else that can be used?
PLEASE DO NOT SUGGEST USING VIEWS the tables have NOTHING in coomon or any possible jjoined data structures
For example - all 3 queries.. 1: select id,fiield1, field2 from table1 nolock where status>0 2: select id,fiield1, field2 from table2 nolock where status>0 3: select id,fiield1, field2 from table3 nolock where status>0
SAMPLE CODE is ALWAYS prefered ;)
Answer : return multiple resultsets with TsqlQuery
if the queries have no resemblence to one another, you can still combine them providing they don't have too much columns using union
select 'table1' table_column, a column1, b column2, c column3, d column4, e column5, f column6, null column7, null column8 from table1 union select 'table2' table_column, d column1, e column2, f column3, a column4, c column5, null column6, null column7, b column8 from table2 union select 'table3' table_column, b column1, c column2, d column3, e column4, f column5, null column6, a column7, null column8 from table3 union select 'table4' table_column, f column1, a column2, null column3, e column4, b column5, null column6, c column7, d column8 from table4
this is how you can read from multiple tables with 1 query and have 1 result