Question : Order by within order by
I have this query below. I need to have an ORDER BY transac_id from ORDER BY t.idinvoice
<output name="" title="Name"/>,
<output name="c.reference" title="Reference" />,
<output name="t.transac_id" title="Transaction" />,
<output name="time" />AS Month,
<output name="t.idinvoice" title="Invoice ID" />,
<output name="t.idpayment" title="Payment ID" />,
<output name="amount" Xrenderer="Ext.util.Format
.change" />,
<output name="t.user" />
FROM transac t
LEFT JOIN address a ON a.idaddress = t.idaddress
LEFT JOIN client c ON c.idclient = a.idclient
WHERE a.idaddress = '<input name="idaddress" />'
ORDER BY t.idinvoice
Answer : Order by within order by
Just list the columns to sort by in the order you want them sorted.
ORDER BY transac_id, t.idinvoice
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