Question : Joining Tables from Separate DB Connections in an SQL Query
Hi All,
I need assistance with putting together a proper SQL statement for use in Access which would allow me to join two tables, each resident in a different DB (represented by DAO connections).
I've been able to write working queries on single tables by specifying the connection in the query statement. For example:
"SELECT * FROM tablename IN 'dbPathAndName';"
To solve my problem I've tried wiriting queries like:
"SELECT * FROM tablename IN 'dbPathAndName' LEFT JOIN tablename2 IN 'dbPathAndName2' ON tablename.Field1 = tablename2.Field2;"
but have run into syntax errors.
Is what I am trying to accomplish even possible in Access using DAO db connection objects?
Answer : Joining Tables from Separate DB Connections in an SQL Query
using vba codes to relink the tables, see this link
Relink tables from different datasources
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